Thursday, September 20, 2007

Short and Sweet

Pictures shall come later. For now, hello.

I shall write about this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Thus my URL: I will, indeed, have a magnet in my head.

And this:
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

And by the second "this" I mean food in general, not Eggs Benedict.


Unknown said...

But eggs benedict sounds so good right now! Mostly I just want poached eggs and hollandaise. Yum. Shall I bring you breakfast in bed during your recovery?

littlebijoux said...

I won't say no to Eggs Benedict in bed! I will say HECK YES. Even if the taste buds on my left side may not work.

Milo said...

For a second... when you say "and this"... i thought you were referring to also having eggs benedict in your head.

That would have been rather odd.
